Analyze, compare and contrast the Poems: “My Papas Waltz” and “ Those Winter Sundays”

Analyze, compare and contrast the Poems: “My Papas Waltz” and “ Those Winter Sundays”

With the theme of father son relationships. Analysis should focus on these three poetic elements:

Setting, speaker, Imagery

Essay should have a title relating to what is being talked about.


Essay should include the following:

Introduction: briefly introduce the 2 poems (title, date of publication ,author, etc.),identify the shared theme ,provide a brief preview of shared characteristics, conclude with a clear thesis statement.

Body paragraphs: begin each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that relates back to the thesis statement, each body paragraph should discuss a new poetic element, provide textual support (short quotes) and close-reading.

Conclusion: wrap up your analysis, reassert your thesis, and explain how each of these poems provides a different perspective on the shared theme.




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12pt font

1 inch margins