Assessing Non-Parametric or T-Tests Examine a research article which incorporates t tests or its nonparametric analogs

MN503 unit 5 assignment Assessing Non-Parametric or T-Tests Examine a research article which incorporates t tests or its nonparametric analogs. Briefly summarize and report the statistic and discus whether the assumptions of the test were met and if the type of data was appropriate for the statistical test. Include the following in your paper: • Description of the statistic you intend to examine in the article • Brief description of the study portrayed in the article • Description of how the statistic was used in the study • Explanation of how this is appropriate or inappropriate • Explanation of how assumptions of the test were met or not met • Identification of the levels of measurement of variables in the study • Description of the appropriateness of the level of measurement • Discussion of how the data was displayed (i.e., graphs, tables) • Discussion examining the appropriateness of the data displays (Strengths and weaknesses? Were they appropriate? Why or why not?) Your paper must be composed using Microsoft® Word® and must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12. This and all papers should be written in APA format and follow standard rules of grammar and formatting. i need it thursday 28th.