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In The City of God  Augustine says that having freedom of the will we are responsible for our actions: if we do good that is to our credit and if we do evil we have ourselves to blame.

However, we find an intriguing moment in The Gospel of Mark when Jesus says that not everyone is meant to have a chance at salvation.  See the beginning of chapter 4, especially 4:10-12, where, ACCORDING TO MARK, Jesus says that he speaks to some people, those outside his select group, in such a way that although they may think they understand him, they actually do not understand him, so that they cannot “turn again” (repent) and don’t have to be forgiven their sins. Basically, God decides who is saved and who is not. No matter what you do , you are condemned. It is MARK’s idea, but recorded as Jesus’ saying.

HERE is the TOPIC :  Is salvation up to the individual ( FREE WILL) ?  Or, Is salvation already determined (determinism)?  You pick a side  only after reading  the City of God ( I am going to send the article via email)   and The Gospel of Mark.

If you say Augustine is right, then you must prove why Mark is wrong and vice versa.  You must provide some textual quotation.

Please remember,  free will means —- ability to do “X” or  NOT to do “X”.  For example, my ability to  drink a glass of water, or NOT TO drink it.

If you choose  Augustine’s side ( FREE WILL), then  you must keep this in mind that in the City of God,  Augustine  only says that free will is ability to do X  . He says nothing about the second part ( not to do “x” )

If you  want to go with Mark ( everything is predetermined), then you have to say what is the purpose of religion.

NOTE: Don’t bring your religious ideas into this.  It is just your understanding of the text.