Identify three “take-away” elements of the course that added to your understanding of human sexuality and you believe will serve you well in the future and explain why

Please answer all 4 questions:

  1. Identify three “take-away” elements of the course that added to your understanding of human sexuality and you believe will serve you well in the future and explain why.
  2. Describe the three most meaningful or surprising things you learned by participating in the course.
  3. What do you think was the most controversial topic we covered?
  4. How would you improve this course for the future?
250 1 citation required; can be from textbook


Greenberg, J. S., Bruess, C. E., & Conklin, S. C (2011).  Exploring the dimensions of human sexuality (5th ed.). Sudbury, Massachusetts:  Jones and Bartlett Publishers.