Research paper

I need a research paper written, due by Thursday (4-16-15) at 5:30 pm. Will you be able to write this paper for me? If so, all the information needed is listed below. Please get back to me as soon as you can. Thanks!


Then, you are required to turn in a typed article critique papers (3-4 pages in length, 12 pt. font size, double-spaced, 1-inch margin, no cover page needed). The critique paper will only focus on one article and in this paper, you are expected to include the following components: (a) contextual information about the purpose/intension of this study; (b) summary of findings; (c) limitations and potential flaws; and (d) applications of the findings.  Appropriate headings should be used in the papers to organize the contents.  Students should describe relevant information in your own words. Given the nature of this paper, no direct quotation should be used and cut-and-paste of the original wordings from the articles to your papers will result in very low scores on these papers.  A copy of the original article should be turned in with the paper in the beginning of the course session. Your paper will be graded based on (1) the completion; (2) originality; and (3) quality (e.g., thoughtfulness, depth, and care in preparation).


Subject:Prenatal alcohol/drug use and the effects it has on a child in reference to chapter five. Research how the children are affected and their life expectancy. Also, discuss the effects on the child as well as the parents and whether those are long term effects or short term. Not to mention, look further into how those individuals coped and if their choices affected not only their offspring, but other family members as well.





Articles to choose from:

Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Vol 69(4), Jul, 2008. pp. 500-509.

Alcohol Health & Research World, Vol 18(1), 1994. pp. 37-41

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, Vol 30(9), Sep, 2006. pp. 1466-1469.

Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Vol 67(4), Apr, 1983. pp. 236-248

Health & Social Work, Vol 6(1), Feb, 1981. pp. 5-10