sociology writing assignments

1. In your own words, explain the difference between ideal culture and real culture.  Provide several detailed examples of the distinction between the two.


2.What is meant by gender socialization or the social construction of gender?  Respond in your own words.  Give several examples of your own.


3. Although socialization is out of the control of young children, as we grow older, we have considerable control over our own socialization.  We can choose the media to which we will expose ourselves, what our religious exposure will be, who will be our friends, etc.  (However, people who live in totalitarian governments that control all aspects of life have much less control over their socialization even if they are adults.)  In what ways have you actively tried to control the socialization you have received?


4.What are examples of role strain and role conflict that you experience?


5.How do the popular media portray gender roles?  In other words, what messages do the popular media transmit about appropriate male and female behavior?  Do you think these messages serve people well throughout their lives?  Explain in detail.


6. Can you think of contradictions between the socialization that a person receives in the family, at school, from their peer group, from their religious institution (if any), and from the mass media?  What types of value conflicts might arise for a person as a result of the conflicting messages s/he receives?  Which is the strongest agent of socialization, if any?


7.Identify some of the primary and secondary groups to which you belong.  Is it an easy task to distinguish between primary and secondary groups?  Do the primary and secondary groups to which you belong play a significant role in your socialization process?


8.Consider the terms in-group and out-group.  What would you consider to be your in-group(s)?  What would you consider to be your out-group(s)?  How does your in-group affect your sense of self?  Does your sense of self change over time?  Why is the in-group of some people larger than that of other people?


9. According to the conflict perspective, the power elite maintain control of the criminal justice system.  They define what is legal and illegal.  They determine the level of punishment for various crimes.  They are responsible for judging and sentencing.  Do you agree or disagree that the laws they create serve to protect the power of the elite and oppress those without power.  Explain in detail.  If you agree, provide at least one example of how the power elite use the criminal justice system to their advantage.


10. If everyone in the world (more than 7 billion people) aspires to have the lifestyle (and use the same amount of resources and produce the same amount of waste) as those people living in the U.S., what can we expect for our future as global citizens?


11.Children have little control over the factors that cause poverty, yet those that experience childhood poverty will probably continue to be impacted by their childhood poverty throughout their lives, at least to some extent.  Do you see this as a problem?  If so, what solutions do you see for this problem?  If not, why is it not a problem?  Try to be as specific as possible.


12. It is quite possible to work a full-time job and still earn well below a poverty level income.  With this in mind, who is responsible for poverty?  Should we blame the poor for being poor?  Should we blame the rich for being rich?  Should we blame the power-elite for poverty?  How do we as a society resolve the poverty problem, both within our own country and in the world at large?  Should we even try?


13. People from all over the globe seek entry into the U.S.  Yet, high levels of immigration into the U.S. will undoubtedly change certain features of our society.  What types of changes might be expected due to immigration?  Do you believe we should limit immigration?  If so, how can we do so fairly?  How might unrestricted immigration into the U.S. affect population levels in the U.S., neighboring countries, and the world at large?  How might highly restricted immigration impact the U.S.?