
Week One Practice Problems

Prepare a written response to the following questions.

Chapter 1

  1. Explain and give an example for each of the following types of variables:
  2. Equal interval:
  3. Rank-Order:
  4. Nominal:
  5. Ratio Scale:
  6. Continuous:
  7. Discrete:


  1. Following are the speeds of 40 cars clocked by radar on a particular road in a 35-mph zone on a particular afternoon:

30, 36, 42, 36, 30, 52, 36, 34, 36, 33, 30, 32, 35, 32, 37, 34, 36, 31, 35, 20

24, 46, 23, 31, 32, 45, 34, 37, 28, 40, 34, 38, 40, 52, 31, 33, 15, 27, 36, 40

Make a frequency table and a histogram, then describe the general shape of the distribution.


  1. Raskauskas and Stoltz (2007) asked a group of 84 adolescents about their involvement in traditional and electronic bullying. The researchers defined electronic bullying as “…a means of bullying in which peers use electronics {such as text messages, emails, and defaming Web sites} to taunt, threaten, harass, and/or intimidate a peer” (p.565). The table below is a frequency table showing the adolescents’ reported incidence of being victims or perpetrators or traditional and electronic bullying.
  2. Using this table as an example, explain the idea of a frequency table to a person who has never had a course in statistics.

Explain the general meaning of the pattern of results.