Strategic issues for MNCs, GOOGLE COMPANY

Strategic issues for MNCs…from the list below research GOOGLE COMPANY and write one or two pages explaining how GOOGLE COMPANY handles the issues.


  • Performance Evaluation Measures
    • Financial Evaluation – how does GOOGLE COMPANY regard its foreign operation
      • Investment center
      • Profit center
      • Cost center
    • Non-Financial Evaluation – how are the unit and the managers evaluated
      • Foreign operating unit evaluation
      • Managers of the unit evaluation


  • Management Control Systems and National Cultures
    • What steps, if any, is GOOGLE COMPANY taking to be sensitive to the national culture



Tell me why I should invest in GOOGLE COMPANY; please provide at least one calculation for a capital investment evaluation; i.e. ROI, NPV, IRR or the payback period.  (see notes above for details on these techniques)