TMGT 590 – Part 1 (no limit on words) and Part 2 (250-290 words) – APA format

Part 1: Process Consultation Project: Approach Paper 1.) APA Format, no limit on word count as long as everything below is covered: 2.) Prepare an action plan that includes key tasks, what you will do, due dates in support of the project identified in “Process Consultant Reflection Paper,” and how you will complete the tasks using the Process Consultation Project Overview as a guide (See attachment). 3.) Include key resources such as people, data, reports, and articles to be used. 4.) Discuss the following for each part of the Process Consultation Project: • Types of information and data you plan to review • Types of analysis you might perform on the data you collect • Deadline dates • Any challenges you perceive in completing the part 5.) Provide the reader with sufficient detail to demonstrate that you have completed the following: • Thought in-depth about the assignment • Created a work plan that allows you to begin working on the project and that ultimately allow you to succeed

Part 2: 1.) APA Format, 250-290 words 2.) Examine at least three data collection and analysis tools that may be used in consulting projects 3.) Compare and contrast these tools, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each method 4.) Recommend processes to overcome any disadvantages 5.) Cite at least three peer-reviewed sources in your analysis