ture theorists would argue that popular culture is imposed on consumers from above by culture industries. Challenge or support this statement.

HUMA 1305 Fall 2013

Exam II Dr. J. Ross-Nazzal

I. Respond to three questions per exam using evidence from the audio lectures, textbook, and other assigned e-readings in each response. Each response must be, at a minimum, 500 words and so each exam will be at least 1500 words in length. TNR, 12 font, double spaced citing parenthetically (MLA or APA). Do NOT use any source that I did not assign. Using prohibited sources will result in a zero.

A. Mass culture theorists would argue that popular culture is imposed on consumers from above by culture industries. Challenge or support this statement.

B. Several Chicano scholars have argued that Mexican American/Chicano pop culture serves to express opposition to the dominant Anglo culture. Support or challenge this assertion.

C. Why did orquesta Tejana music appeal to a different audience than did conjunto music?

D. What accounts for the popularity over several decades of groups such as Los Lobos and Santana in American pop culture?

E. What is the significance of the reading “The Chicana in American History”?

F. What was the importance of the mission system of colonial Mexico?

G. Explain the significance of “The Legend of Juan Murietta”.

H. What’s the significance of the reading “Con Sus Calzones Al Réves”?

I. Why would you “Never Hear People Complain” (1876)?

J. What did you get out of the document “Texas Mexican Americans during World War I”?

K. What’s the cultural significance of the Los Angeles dressmakers’ strike of 1933?